Used in the right way, e-learning can be a powerful tool in your organisation. It's great for introducing concepts, conveying detail, testing knowledge and of course, training masses of people...
...but sometimes, you've
just got to get people in a room and talk to them...
How much are you doing in the classroom?
Expert, experienced, guidance
Lessons Learned trainers and facilitators are seasoned professionals - lawyers, accountants and investigators.
They’re experts in their fields, often published authors, with practical as well as theoretical knowledge and a deep well of experience from which to draw.
They are also trained in our way; lively, thoughtful, understanding and able to hold their own with your most demanding personalities.
Learning from experience
Psychologist David Kolb identified his "learning cycle" in 1984. When people learn, they first reflect on experience, and then conceptualize and test new approaches. It's at the heart of how we organise our face-to-face learning at Lessons Learned
Our stories, videos and case studies - grounded in the real world – provide the experiences of the past and are used as the fuel for the discussions and debates which generate thought and understanding - the building blocks of future action and behaviour
Active Learning
Once the need is there, you have to respond. The answer is - Lessons Learned Active Learning
Lessons Learned
Senior Management lessons learned
It's all about the Culture
A culture of integrity and openness in your organisation is a key asset. If something is wrong, then you want to know about it. And the speed with which you find out can be the difference between a well-managed resolution and a morale-sapping disaster.
Systems and controls will get you so far, but ultimately you're going to have to rely on your staff to be open about fraud, corruption, unacceptable risk-taking or unethical practices. That's easier said than done, especially when doing so may mean taking personal and career risks which have people asking Is it worth it?
Lessons Learned can help you speak to your staff in the right way about reporting and escalation, to help them report important issues when they're still just problems, and not catastrophes waiting to happen...
“Most people will do exactly as they are told, regardless of the content of the act, if they perceive that the instruction has come from a legitimate authority”
Stanley Milgram
Compliance, Control and Catastrophe
Are your board members and top management walking the talk on integrity and compliance? When they say "Don't bring me problems, bring me solutions..." what do people think they mean?
A facilitated discussion on integrity leadership in your organisation can help to clear the air, focus minds and, perhaps, assist in preventing a disaster.
“People in organisations are very good at picking up differences between what is said and what is done. So if you say that integrity is important, but by your actions (e.g. hiring, promotion bonuses) you indicate that integrity might not be the most important thing, then everybody knows”
Janet, Marketing Manager
Do you know who you are dealing with?
Who are you dealing with? It's a fundamental question you're expected to ask in an ever increasing range of business situations.
The imperative to get business done grows more urgent. Yet integrity failure in a key counterparty or financial crime involving a customer can have catastrophic consequences – financial and reputational.
Our integrity due diligence and anti-money laundering courses can provide your people with the skills to help keep your business safe.